How to create a sacred space
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When you google “Sacred Space” there is an overwhelming amount of information and suggestions - sage, incense, candles, crystals, etc. While any of these things could be a great addition to your space, what’s most important is that you feel comfortable and at peace in the space you’re creating.
1. Surround yourself with what makes you feel good
We are all different, so this will look unique for each person. Your sacred space might be somewhere you can lay down, read and relax. Perhaps it's the space you use to meditate, pray and reflect before starting work in the morning. Some people prefer candles over incense, or abstract art and paintings over posters. It will take time to cultivate the perfect space, so be patient and open to your space changing and growing as your spiritual practice grows.
My own sacred space includes some of my favorite herbal sprays and oils, live plants, crystals from my personal collection, my warmest knitted blanket and pillows, a collection of my spiritual books and reference materials, and a small Bluetooth speaker that I use to play sound frequencies and Jazz music. I recently added a crystal singing bowl and a weighted blanket that really amp up the peaceful, cozy vibes even more.
2. Practice your faith & honor your ancestors
Your sacred space is the perfect place to construct your altar! Your altar is where you can leave offerings for your ancestors or any religious deities you believe in. Your altar is a great place to keep the tools you use to connect with your intuition, like pendulums, oracle cards and prayer beads. Your altar is where you can pray, meditate or do "ritual work".
Some people like to leave money, rice, water and flowers on their altar as offerings for their ancestors. Other people add sentimental gifts or heirlooms from living and deceased family members to their altar. I’ve also seen photos of Jesus or Mary, Buddha statues, Feng Shui charms, rosary beads - feel free to add whatever tools are important to your faith.
3. Limit distractions
A private area, where there isn’t a lot of foot traffic from other family members or roommates is ideal. Depending on your circumstances, this can be easier said than done. If there is no quiet space in your home that can be dedicated to this purpose, consider a free corner in the living room or your bedroom. Ideally, you can keep the space free of clutter.
What's most important is that you can focus on your inner work, gratitude and reflection when you’re in your sacred space - which can be difficult when the TV is blaring nearby or your niece is crying in the next room over. Adapt your space and practice to your life - if there’s a time of day when the kids are gone, or your family is out working or shopping, take advantage of that quiet time to devote to your spiritual practice. Make it work for you - even just a few minutes of quiet time in your sacred space is better than none at all!
Sending good juu juu your way
We hope these tips helped get you started! Know that there is truly NO “wrong” way to do this, and the best thing to do is always what feels most comfortable and natural to you!
Written by Good Juu Juu Founder, Sierra